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  • A blue taffeta and black velvet party dress is displayed on a dressmaker's mannequin or 'Judy,' located next to a computer and several monitors of varying sizes. In large type, the stock ticker symbol and price which is being tracked,
  • 05 March/10:43 pm -
    05 March/10:43 pm consists of a small, suburban model house on a table, linked to a computer. Looking into one of the windows the viewer discovers a small live projection, floating in the room, showing a person who is collapsed on a chair, with a
  • Blast -
    From its beginning in 1990, Blast has set out to explore contemporary texts and images and their accompanying practices of reading, viewing, and authoring. Blast has conducted these explorations in terms of a publication, investigating the changing
  • Stanza is an internationally recognised artist, who has been exhibiting worldwide since 1984. His artworks have won prestigious painting prizes and ten first prize art awards including:- Vidalife 6.0 First Prize. SeNef Grand Prix. Videobrasil First
  • A web site, on the theme of viral infection, exploring issues around HIV/AIDS through contributions in both text and image from web users/artists and through associated workshops and events. (
  • Martina Menegon (she/her - Italy, 1988) is a digital artist, curator, and educator based in Vienna. She is Senior Artist and Lecturer in the Transmedia Art department at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, where she teaches "Digital Design and
  • The Future of Reality -
    Event: The Future of RealityInstitution: ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community Online ExhibitionComment:
  • CAS Short Talk -
    Slides condensed from online presentation, including animations.
  • janus -
    A site specific installation, a 12-foot construction made of three light sources suspended above reflective surfaces in turn suspended above a 24+-foot drop, Installed in a warehouse next to the Thames in News Cross Gate, Londoon. (source:
  • Silence -
    From the entrance into the site, the announcement “Noise = absence of language = silence” warns us that the limits of our understanding will be scrambled and the paths followed will be flavoured with the sweet absurdity of surrealism. Then a thin