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  • Presentation of the artist's work at a public show and tell lecture. [source:]
  • Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra (Buenos Aires, 1957) is a composer and new media artist, educator, historian, and curator working in the intersection of the arts, sciences, and technology. He is a Professor at the Music Department of Concordia University,
  • An Ascent
  • As a pioneer project in the field of Media Art research and preservation, the ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART (ADA) has been striving to document the rapidly evolving field of "digital born" art since 1999. The ever growing collection and vast overview of
  • A web site, on the theme of viral infection, exploring issues around HIV/AIDS through contributions in both text and image from web users/artists and through associated workshops and events. (
  • janus -
    A site specific installation, a 12-foot construction made of three light sources suspended above reflective surfaces in turn suspended above a 24+-foot drop, Installed in a warehouse next to the Thames in News Cross Gate, Londoon. (source:
  • Silence -
    From the entrance into the site, the announcement “Noise = absence of language = silence” warns us that the limits of our understanding will be scrambled and the paths followed will be flavoured with the sweet absurdity of surrealism. Then a thin
  • Breath
  • an Ascent