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  • down Jones
    ...excerpt from an Interview with the Thing ( Q: Your latest project, downJones... read documents correctly during daily use, we tend to automatically believe that all our data is intact, and to question its...
  • ... ( for clients in Japan. From 1996 to 1999 I worked on a project called the Brain Project. The aim was to develop a survey of the study...
  • ... Fermilab, Smart Museum of Art–University of Chicago, Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art–The University of Oklahoma, Shingoethe... forms including computer graphics, resulting in a new medium she called PHSColograms–3D barrier-screen computer-generated photographs...
  • Jones, Mark J.. Char Davies: VR through Osmosis Cyberstage 2, no. 1 (Fall 1995).
  • ... at that time (Stelarc, Peter Callas, Jill Scott and Steve Jones, amongst them) but producing work generally removed from... with his peers in Australia at that time (Stelarc, Peter Callas, Jill Scott and Steve Jones, amongst them) but producing work...
  • ... and Development at, a joint venture of Dow Jones and Hearst. His work at SmartMoney included the groundbreaking...
  • ... and fine artists, including Laurie Anderson, Bill T. Jones, and Martha Rosler. Ostrowski has collaborated with a large... of collision with the world. His work includes algorithmically-generated installation pieces for video, multichannel sound, and...
  • Jones, Stephen. Breathing/Diving/Dreaming/Dancing BEAP in Perth (You Can´t Buy These Emotions off the Hollywood Shelf) Artlink 22, no. 4 ...
  • Jones, Stephen. Towards a Philosophy of Virtual Reality: Issues Implicit in "Consciousness Reframed" Leonardo 33, no. 2 (2000): 125-132.
  • ... Comunication and Community, edited by Steven G. Jones, 112-137. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 1994.