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  • sur mesure -
    Event: sur mesureInstitution: RurartComment:
  • Surface Drawing -
    Experiments in creating 3D shape with the hand, conducted with Peter Schröder at Caltech, 1997-2002.

  • Surface Tension -
    Surface Tension is an interactive installation where an image of a giant human eye follows the observer with orwellian precision.

    This work was inspired by a reading of Georges Bataille’s text The Solar Anus during the first Gulf War –the first...
  • “Surface Tension” is a collaborative interdisciplinary work for disklavier piano and interactive video created by pianist Eve Egoyan and artist David Rokeby. It was commissioned by the Open Ears Festival with a grant from the Canada Council. It was...
  • Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael. Surface Tension In ACM SIGGRAPH, Visual Proceedings, Chicago, ILL: 1993.
  • Choi, Deanne. Surrey Youth on display at bold interactive showcase Source Magazine British Columbia 13, no. 28 (October 2013):
  • SurroGate 1 -
    Event: SurroGate 1Institution: ZKMComment:
  • Cruz-Neira, Carolina. Surround-Screen Projection-Based Virtual Reality: The Design and
    Implementation of the CAVE (1993).
  • Haque, Usman. Surrounding Architecture / Die Konturen der Architektur In Hybrid - Living in Paradox, edited by Gerfried Stocker and Christine SchöpfOstfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2005.
  • Surtropías -
    Event: SurtropíasInstitution: Festival de la ImagenComment: