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  • Magnet -
    Interactive digital video projection environment 14 x 8 x 7 metres 2 large scale video projections, black and white, multi-channel interactive sound In collaboration with Stuart Jones (sound) Produced whilst Artist In Residence at the
  • At the Tate Modern, London: This is a permanent augmented reality intervention celebrating Damien Hirst's retrospective exhibition in 2012. The gold coins are a 2012 special edition of the British gold sovereign for Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond
  • Dr Fahrudin Nuno Salihbegovic is a theatre director, visual/sonic artist, interaction designer, and lecturer, specialising in multimedia theatre and interactive digital arts. His work, including theatre productions, digital scenographies, and
  • Light from Tomorrow -
    Light from Tomorrow is an artwork by British artists Thomson & Craighead. It centres on an expedition to The Kingdom of Tonga, where tomorrow’s outdoor light-readings are broadcast in close to real time through The International Dateline to
  • House of Cards -
    Director of Technology - House of Card's Music video, interactive data viewer, and source code. With Director James Frost and a bunch of other great people, lasers and sensors were used to create a 3D data "music video" for the band Radiohead.
  • Stanza is an internationally recognised artist, who has been exhibiting worldwide since 1984. His artworks have won prestigious painting prizes and ten first prize art awards including:- Vidalife 6.0 First Prize. SeNef Grand Prix. Videobrasil First
  • Satellite Contact -
    Satellite Contact is a two-screen video portrait of the British National Archives (formerly known as the Public Records Office). Satellite Contact never touches the ground: it takes the viewer on an hour-long roller-coaster ride through the guts of
  • In 2009 we began a project with the British Antarctic Survey to explore how the data it derives from its research in the Southern Ocean could be redeployed in public forms. The project builds out from the conceptual themes achieved in our previous
  • Crave - video
    I participated in the design and implementation of the live digital projections in the theater play “Crave”, using the software Moldeo. The first season of the play was at El Lavapiés Theater, Buenos Aires, between May 20 and December 9, 2006, and
  • 3-d International video-art festival in public spaces Organizers & festival team are Invite artists working with video, animation and new media to participate in the project: Festival dates, June 5 - July 5, 2006 Festival place Moscow, Saint