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  • ... situations constructed and composed to investigate... Closing The Loop is the title of a series of experiments, situations... of a series of experiments, situations constructed and...
  • [the clearing] -
    ... an image going in and out of focus with breathing... artwork that focuses on the language of American print... an incomplete and fragmented mode. They will search for...
  • Wind Map
    ... of the world, and that may be a key to the... us—energy that powered the first explorations of the... It conveys the movement of the air in the most basic...
  • ... a broader "bandwidths" and more extensive data bases... challenging role in these developments. In providing... role in these developments. In providing artists with a...
  • Media Facades -
    ...MYTHS AND POTENTIALS OF MEDIA ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN SCREENS... Group Vienna and the German Center for... as a communicative element, and its effect on Urban...
  • ... Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer represented... Portrait on the Fly – Plotter Drawings Plotter Drawings made with a... the 1960's. Ephemeral moments of interaction are thereby...
  • Water Lily Invasion -
    ...As global water levels and temperatures rise, plants and animals are... creatures are arising at the interstices between plant and...
  • ... for zero gravity and was not brought from Earth:... o Kac has created an artwork aboard the International Space Station... Telescope is an instrument of observation and poetic...
  • Panspermia -
    ... theory that life exists and is distributed throughout the... Panspermia is the name for the theory that life exists and is...
  • ...characterised by the loss of utopia and by major social and political... In a time characterised by the loss of utopia and by major social and... a rapid development in recent years.