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  • Talking Tree -
    "Talking Tree" is also a project started with interviews (like "Landing Home in Geneva" 2005). It started with one of the oldest lady in the city of Graz and she gave us her friends contact for the second branch of the interview, and then we have...
  • Tamas Waliczky was born in 1959, Budapest, Hungary. New media artist. He started out by creating animations at the age of nine. Then he worked as painter, illustrator and photographer. He began working with computers in 1983. He was...
  • Tamás Waliczky | Imaginary Cameras | Hungarian Pavilion | Biennale Arte 2019 Hungarian Pavilion at Biennale Arte 2019 11 May > 24 November 2019 National Commissioner: Julia Fabényi, Director of Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art Curated by...
  • TAMAS WALICZKY: CAMERAS AND OTHER OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS ANI MOLNÁR GALLERY 04.07.2018 – 29.09.2018 Opening: 04.07.2018, Wednesday at 6 pm. Opening speech by Miklós Peternák art historian Curated by Anna Szepesi art historian Tuesday to Friday 12 pm. -...
  • Tamiko Thiel is a media artist interested in the interplay of place, space, the body and cultural memory. She has done pioneering work in developing the dramatic and poetic capabilities of various forms of virtual and augmented reality as media for...
  • Steinberg, Claudia. Tamiko Thiels virtuelle Projekte Kunstzeitung , no. 146 (October 2008): 30.
  • Tamsyn Gilbert is a PhD candidate at The New School for Social Research and cofounder of New Criticals. Tamsyn has a Masters in Media Studies and Sociology and is currently working on her dissertation. She has worked in various roles at The Museum of...
  • TANGENT_FEAR presents the artistic research project Inviting Horror by Karen Lancel and Hermen Maat in which the experience of fear in public space is investigated. In a world in which daily activity is monitored through electronic technologies...
  • Tangible Business Process Analyzer is a collaborative tool for designing what a company's business process should be, in business process re-engineering (BPR).

    Built on the Sensetable platform, Tangible-BPA allows mulitple users to directly...
  • Tangible Disaster Simulation System is a collaborative tool for planning disaster measures based on disaster simulation and evacuation simulation using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

    Built on the Sensetable platform, Tangible-DSS allows...