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  • Event: Corpus ExtremusInstitution: Exit ArtComment:
  • Corpus -
    Event: CorpusInstitution: New Media GalleryComment:
  • Corps performant -
    Event: Corps performantInstitution: Musée d'art moderne André Malraux — MuMa Le HavreComment:
  • Event: Corps Global et métabolisme géopolitiqueInstitution: Pôles Culture et Luxe et HEC Marketing et Communication – L’art NumeriqueComment:
  • Event: Corps et pratique artistiqueInstitution: CergyComment:
  • Centro Cultural Telemar is called now OI FUTURO
  • Bentes, Ivana and Oliver Grau and Paula Sibilia and Simone Michelin. Corpos Virtuais, Arte e Tecnologia
  • Bentes, Ivana and Oliver Grau and Paula Sibilia and Simone Michelin, ed. Corpos Virtuais, Arte e Tecnologia. Vol.1. Arte e Tecnologia, Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Oi Futuro, 2005.
  • Bentes, Ivana and Oliver Grau and Paula Sibilia and Simone Michelin, ed. Corpos Virtuais, Arte e Tecnologia. Vol.1. Arte e Tecnologia, Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Oi Futuro, 2005.
  • Bentes, Ivana and Oliver Grau and Paula Sibilia and Simone Michelin, ed. Corpos Virtuais, Arte e Tecnologia. Vol.1. Arte e Tecnologia, Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Oi Futuro, 2005.