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  • Marchive
    The authors developed mARChive using the AVIE 360-degree stereoscopic interactive visualization environment. For this project they selected eighty thousand heterogeneous digital records of objects from Museum Victoria collections, out of a total
  • 24hour Social -
    24hour Social is a data-driven 24 hour generative video installation that questions how identities are constructed as data in an era of social media that act as authentic platforms for performances of the self and simultaneously as systems of data-
  • OPEN SKY GALLERY is an international platform and gallery designed to envision specially curated time-based artworks amidst Hong Kong’s public urban space. The Open Sky is a twofold project including Open Sky Gallery for artists and Open Sky Campus
  • four kinetic objects with magnets and metal particles dim: diameter 12 cm Kinetic objects take part in the multimedia project Attractions – Similarities that focuses on magnetism as a physical phenomenon, by visualizing it in various ways, using
  • RADIANCE. The International Research Platform For Virtual Reality Experiences in Art
  • Tina Sauerlaender (she/her) is an art historian, curator, speaker and writer. She holds a PhD from The University of Arts, Linz, Austria. The title of her dissertation is PERFORMING IDENTITIES. Self-Representation in Art from the Renaissance to
  • RADIANCE. The International Research Platform For Virtual Reality Experiences in Art
  • The Homeostasis Lab is a virtual platform dedicated to mapping, cataloguing, researching and exhibiting digital art on the internet. Since 2013, the lab has been run by a collaborative open-system network of artists, programmers, curators and
  • Dear Friends, I am new to the ADA, and glad to meet / chat with you via this platform. I am working in the academic field as a researcher of digital culture, and heritage topics and cultural policies.
  • Nemec, Gaspard. Interview: Matt Kenyon. The cross-platform artist talks technology, politics and his newest work, SUPERMAJOR [].