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  • This new version of The Legible City (1989) encompasses all the experiences offered by the original version, but introduces an important new multi-user functionalty that to a large extent becomes its predominant feature. In the Distributed
  • In the virtual-reality "Inherent Rights, Vision Rights" the participant explores a sacred ceremony in a traditional West Coast Native Canadian long house. The long house is occupied by music, fire and spirits, which the participant can interact
  • fünfnullplus -
    [English title, fivezeroplus] Light object Series 'Lichtbilder' The work 'fünfnullplus' from the series 'Lichtbilder' seems at first sight to be a monochrome painting. In the glossy, translucent body of the image, a vertical bar of white LEDs is
  • In this installation images are projected onto a large screen lying flat on the floor of the exhibition space. The spectators stand on a surrounding balcony where a joystick enables any one of them to interactively operate the work by panning in any
  • femme totale's main task is to showcase the work of women film directors but we also put the spotlight on other cinematic aspects — camera technique, film composition and scenery. What makes the festival so special, though, is the film
  • Landscape One -
    Four walls of a space are "painted", with video projectors, into a single photo realistic 360º landscape representing a public garden. The space, set in Montreal's Mont-Royal Parc, is being visited by real and virtual characters. If the
  • On a dark computerscreen the viewer sees a threedimensional sphere with a surface showing a closeup view of human skin. By lifting up the mouse and moving the ball underneath with the thumb the movement of the virtual object can be manipulated.
  • SonoMorphis - video
    An organic object is projected in front of the visitors. By means of a control mechanism the user can rotate the object in all directions and observe it from various perspectives. Control sliders allow the viewer to vary diverse parameters of the
  • The performance occurs inside a capsule. We may control the avatar of the performer through a remote computer. The distance between the audience and the performer is set to 7 metres. We may type words, wishes or commands from our keyboard directly
  • Objects of desire -
    shellscript on custom made computer white standard typography on black background In short intervals, a text sequence appears on the screen of a transparent object with the promising Sentence by sentence, second by second, with each new