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  • Clarke, Andy and Grethe Mitchell, ed. Videogames and Art. Bristol: Intellect Books, 2006.
  • Ascott, Roy. Engineered Nature: art and consciousness in the post-biological era.. Bristol: Intellect Books, 2006.
  • Polli, Andrea and Jane Marsching. Far Field: Digital Culture, Climate Change, and the Poles. Bristol: Intellect Ltd., 2011.
  • inSite 2000 -
    inSITE 2000 beteiligte künstlerInnen: Carlos Amorales, Gustavo Artigas, Judith Barry, Jordan Crandall, Arturo Cuenca, Roman de Salvo, Dias & Riedweg, Mark Dion, Silvia Gruner, Diego Gutiérrez, Jonathan Hernandez, Norma Iglesias & Rita Gonzales,
  • Christopher Hales studied PhD research on Interactive Film Art at the RCA Film and TV Department, and taught as Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Art of the University of the West of England [Bristol] until 2001. His interactive films and CD-ROMs
  • Thomas, Paul. Quantum Art and Uncertainty. Bristol: Intellect, 2018.
  • Bill Seaman and O. E. Rössler. Neosentience | The Benevolence Engine. Bristol, United Kingdom: Intellect Press, 2011.
  • Kac, Eduardo, ed. Media Poetry: An International Anthology. 2 th ed.Bristol: intellect, 2007.
  • Artist: Tegan BristowComment:
  • Constable -
    Two installations help visitors interpret John Constable's work at Tate Britain, through active participation and observation. Created at AllofUs.