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  • Step and Shoot -
    Bored by a vision of the world dominated by B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) that seem for so many people to be the only way to consider human interactions, I would like to start a series of works called H2H: Human to Human.
  • Scholar: Stephan Schwingeler
  • Owens is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, and curator interested in the influence of digital networks and communication systems on contemporary aesthetics and the production of subjectivity. She is Director of Cornell Council for the Arts and...
  • An Australian electronic musician, video artist and electronic engineer. "I have been active in video production since 1974. My first involvement was with Bush Video and the Paddington Video Access Centre where I learnt video editing and technical...
  • Stephen Travis Pope is an award-winning composer, film-maker, computer scientist and social activist based in Santa Barbara, California. He is currently active as a software development contractor and intellectual property expert through FASTLab....
  • Keynote held at the National Archive of Torre do Tombo
  • Event: Stereopsia . Lumiere Award 2018Institution: BOZAR CENTRE FOR FINE ARTS Comment:
  • Stereoscope -
    The stereoscope is a device to make images appear three-dimensional by presenting each eye with a slightly different point of view of the same scene; in attempting to reconcile the difference, the eye is tricked into seeing volume. In Stereoscope the...
  • Featuring the premiere of William Kentridge's most recent film animation.

    (Source: MoMA N.Y.)
  • Fisher, Scott S. and John O. Merritt, ed. Stereoscopic Displays and Applications. Proc. SPIE 1256, Cambridge: 1990.