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    Intangible Images Brigitte Felderer: Naked Eye, an installation by Sylvia Eckermann With her installation at Kunstraum Bernsteiner Sylvia Eckermann addresses the presentation of the "white cube" by subverting the boundaries between tableaux vivants
  • Heir of cybernetic art, artist and programmer, Antoine Schmitt uses programming as a material to produce installations, CD-ROMs, online exhibitions, and performances in which he confronts the public or performers with autonomous abstract dynamic
  • Event: Solo Exhibition of Lin Pey-ChwenInstitution: Space IIComment:
  • Event: Solo Exhbition of Lin Pey-ChwenInstitution: Space IIComment:
  • Event: Solo Exhibition of Lin Pey-ChwenInstitution: Space IIComment:
  • 5 YEARS -
    In this interactive narration, Mary, the protagonist is in a mental hospital. The story is divided in different parts, which follow each other in a random way. There are five pathways, but they can be combined between every sequence. Mary is never
  • How can Nietzsche’s fear of the Eternal Return made comprehensible, even if it may fallen victim to wrong interpretation? Elke Reinhuber's approach to explicate this problem is a vinyl record of an endlessly reiterating sound, which emphasises the
  • Chronoscape -
    The totem consists of a clock mechanism, a monitor, and hidden video camera. It is a symbolic representation or embodiment of the concept of time and serves as a reminder of its flow, the impermanence of life or the cyclical nature of existence.
  • Jack Holmer and the aesthetic of affect In search of technological Affective Poetics, the artist wanders the form, trying to visualize that which lacks connection, interaction and support. This happens in the Stratosphere, in Physical Mountains,
  • My Black Cat -
    In a series of 'test cases', Knowbotic Research investigate the construction of identity, power, and communication.The installation Black_Cat confronts the constitution of subjectivity under the current post-media condition. In this installation,