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  • transBOARD -
    The transBOARD is a Tangible Bits platform which explores the use of a digitally-enhanced whiteboard as a model of a wall in the future. The transBOARD supports distributed access to physical whiteboard activity. Distributed users can monitor
  • PSyBench -
    PSyBench is a general platform for creating distributed Tangible Interfaces for collaborative design. Objects on an augmented tabletop are physically synchronized with identical objects on a remote table, allowing distant users to cooperatively
  • Park View Hotel -
    Park View Hotel stretches between the Cesar Chavez plaza in downtown San Jose and the neighbouring Fairmont Hotel. Using specially-built pointing devices, audiences in the park can access interior hotel spaces, by "pinging" them optically. Once
  • RADIANCE. The International Research Platform For Virtual Reality Experiences in Art
  • RADIANCE. The International Research Platform For Virtual Reality Experiences in Art
  • DIGITAL SPARKS : STUDENT CONTEST 2001 - 2008 The "Digital Sparks Matrix" is an interface for browsing all of the projects submitted to the " Digital Sparks" student competitions between 2001 and 2008 funded by the German Ministry for Research and
  • NETZSPANNUNG.ORG : MEDIA ART ARCHIVE PLATFORM 1997- 2001 / 2012 is an online archive platform for the collection and promotion of media art. Beyond the archive, programs such as streaming tele-lectures by media scholars, media art
  • RADIANCE. The International Research Platform For Virtual Reality Experiences in Art
  • Mark J. Stock's work is suffused with highly dynamic and detail rich imagery that is often indistinguishable whether it originated in the natural world or in a highly evolved virtual platform. Stock's process is algorithmically based; with his
  • The Behaviour of Objects is rAndom’s first gallery exhibition in London with Carpenters Workshop Gallery in Mayfair. Exhibiting both ‘Swarm Light’ and ‘Self Portrait‘, the show lays the ground for a significant expansion of the studios’ performative