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  • The video performance had been presented in Salerno, Italy, during the ARTMEDIA Congress (1992). The space of Paula Verengia's Gallery had been drawned with slides and video projections on the back of the room. An Italian Dancing Company named
  • The installation comprises two environments. The first one is darker with light directed towards the inert enlarged photographic images on the wall of the room which is cut in the center by four metallic columns with luminous screens where six video
  • Multimedia installation with neon, recorder and cassette tape, repeating graphs of electrocardiograms, transcribed in neon, which generate sensations of living inside a heart.
  • In my Art Electronic exhibition, ELECTROURBS, 1979, at N.O. Space, In Porto Alegre and after in 1982, at Funarte, Galeria Sergio Milliet I used one electronic stetoscope to amplify the heart beats for medical diagnostics, and creatively I intended
  • TerrariumKID in the web:
  • The NTAV UCS PC CAVE is a virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) immersive environment supported by commodity based clusters of low cost PCs that can be or not connected to the internet. These reconfigurable immersive cube with
  • CityCluster Project -
    CityCluster is a virtual-reality networking matrix with original technological features, navigation and interactivity, graphic and content style. A creative virtual networking terrain with ingenious tools, where visitors, with their own creativity
  • Cloning SensesArtist: F.A.B.R.I.CATORSComment:
  • Lautriv's body is an interactive sculpture. Both sexes are contained in unique figure, composed by a synthesis of classical forms: the head of Medusa, the ears (serpents) of Medusa, the chest and hand of Discobolo and the abdomen and legs of
  • Cyber Necktie -
    Interactive Cyber Necktie is an interactive graphic installation through which the user can create and produce, in real time, his own personalized design of the cyber cravat. The installation can be connected to a network. The user can create and