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  • Bennett, Jane. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Vol.1. ohn Hope Franklin Center Book, 1 th ed.United States of America: Duke University Press, 2010.
  • Bennett, Jane. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Vol.1. John Hope Franklin Center Book, 1 th ed.United States of America: Duke University Press, 2010.
  • Bennett, Jane. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Vol.1. ohn Hope Franklin Center Book, 1 th ed.United States of America: Duke University Press, 2010.
  • Bennett, Jane. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Vol.1. ohn Hope Franklin Center Book, 1 th ed.United States of America: Duke University Press, 2010.
  • Bill Viola has been instrumental in the establishment of video as a vital form of contemporary art, and in so doing has helped to greatly expand its scope in terms of technology, content, and historical reach. For 40 years he has created videotapes,
  • Event: Franklin Furnace performance seriesInstitution: Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.Comment:
  • Suzanne Anker is a visual artist and theorist working at the intersection of art and the biological sciences. She works in a variety of mediums ranging from digital sculpture and installation to large-scale photography to plants grown by LED lights.
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Prefácio: Criatividade e arte no uso do smartphone In Arte_comunicação_móvel: criatividade e arte no uso do smartphone, edited by Tiago Franklin Rodrigues Lucena, 13-19. Curitiba: Appris, 2017.
  • VELHO, ANA PAULA MACHADO and Diana Domingues and TIAGO FRANKLIN R LUCENA. Dengue na imprensa local: uma doença em notícia Verso e Reverso (Unisinos Online) 30 (2016): 1-9.