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  • My work is transdisciplinary and explores cultural translation, liminality, identity, and public space through a number of media, combining digital art including AI art and NFT art with video art, painting, drawing, photography, printmaking,
  • Ahmedien, Diaa. Bio-pixels: A stem cell-based interactive–generative interface designed to redefine technologies of self-making in new media arts. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
  • EMAF 1998 addressed the structures of a mediatised society shaped by the simultaneousness of different systems. In everyday life, too, we are surrounded by perception situations taking place in parallel, explained the American Pat O’Neill, to whom
  • Artist Statement: I am interested in exploring notions of transformation, energy transfer, bridging the conscious and unconscious realms, and rendering the invisible visible through action and reaction. The results manifest themselves either as an
  • Lila Chitayat is an architect, new media artist and an experimental practitioner of design. She is a research based educator of multidisciplinary design processes and experience design.In 2002 Lila founded LinC studio, a transdisciplinary design
  • I made this video back in 2005 for the S3 Project (Sights and Sounds of Science), organized by the Materials Research Center of the University of Chicago. I combined some video shot inside the old building of the James Frank Institute, with
  • Astheimer, Peter and F. Dai and R. Göbel and Gabriel Zachmann. Realism in Virtual Reality In Artificial Life and Virtual Reality, edited by Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, 189-210. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley and Sons, 1994.
  • These are reconfigurations of the original work conFIGURING the CAVE (1997) that for reasons of economy use simplified projection and interface technologies. Instead of the four screen environment, only one wall screen, or combination floor and
  • Colmena -
    "Colmena" is a site-specific installation created by Martina Höfflin and Pascal Glissman, winners of the Pilar Juncosa and Sotherby's Award. About 100 analog creatures in hand-crocheted nests out of wire settled in trees of the mediterranean park up
  • Using custom made circuits based on Arduino we create an intervention in the lighting systems of public spaces intending to alter the visitors' experiences of space and time, changing their apprehension of the surrounding environment and how they