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  • Cyclone -
    YCLONE.SOC brings together two contemporary phenomena: severe weather, the project uses weather data that charts the emergence and progress of hurricanes. the polarized nature of debate that occurs in certain online newsgroup forums. The
  • Both Eddie Murphy and Mae West were born in Bushwick and went on to nation wide fame as actors. This artwork brings the two actors back to their ‘hood. The format is an hommage to Magritte’s “Golconde.”
  • This augmented reality installation is an intervention in the German Pavilion, which won the Golden Lion Award for Best National Pavilion. In the spirit of Schlingensief, “Shades of Absence: Schlingensief Gilded” intervenes in this memorial to the
  • This augmented reality installation creates "pavilions of absence" in which images of contemporary artists, whose works in public space have been censored, are reduced to gold silhouettes and placed in the midst of terms of transgression. Each
  • The Search Drive (2014) is a video work in which some of the same software programs utilized by the NSA to spy on Americans and foreign nationals, residing in America and abroad, are used by an autonomous agent to search through the web for personal
  • The Re: Dakar Arts Festival project documents an ongoing art scam form. The scammers approach artists and galerists with open calls for a fake festival in Dakar, Senegal. To appear professional, they adopt different identities. To unveil their
  • "PERFORMING DATA" INTERVIEW WITH MONIKA FLEISCHMANN & WOLFGANG STRAUSS, BY MICHAL CHACINSKI 2011 The interview (20:21) took place during the solo exhibition "Performing Data" by Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss in the historic building of the
  • The installation MULTIPLE voice/vision is the output of a research project in the arts, with as focus how friction between multiple layers of sound and vision can be a trigger for embodied perception. A multitrack registration—for both sound and
  • The WILD Panoramic Navigator is a novel, interactive augmented-reality multimedia information terminal derived from the original Panoramic Navigator (1997). It provides a means for the general public to intuitively and interactively orient
  • Ecloud WWI
    ECLOUD WWI is an interactive spatial browser for the exploration of cultural data collected in the Europeana 1914–1918 archive. Presented in 3-D on a custom-designed 9 m by 3 m projection screen, the installation contains more than 40,000 images of