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  • ... internet reply with a stream of changing images and fragments of text on the walls as well...
  • ... log and error files, as well as images were surprisingly rich in content. Even...
  • Avatar -
    ... 6 months i’ll show the result; the final images represent sediments of meeting, of...
  • Public Messages -
    ... they’re simply the “written” version of the images. They include quotes, moods, messages, vents…...
  • Feeding Consciousness -
    ... of Feeding Consciousness depicts images from trending stories, momentarily...
  • GaribaldiMap -
    ... the ratio are effective to transform web images into postcards, in order to connect an...
  • Between 0/1 - video
    ... operations between zero and one. These images in motion, called cubic time, allude to the...
  • URnotHere - video
    ... discuss the landscape art in the age of images production mediated by handheld devices,...
  • ... which allow the audience to shoot images with cell phone video cameras and send...
  • ... shutter glasses are used to view these images in three dimensions. To view the virtual...