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  • Escape © 2012, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa SOMMERER developed for The View Contemporary Art Space Swizerland The installation "Escape" deals with the issue of flight attempt. It was originally developed as site specific installation in the civilian
  • Room for Manoeuvre -
    The exhibition 'Room for Manoeuvre' features new works by Knowbotic Research (KRcF), known for their advanced network and media projects since the founding of the artist group in 1991. In a specially designed audio-visual installation including four
  • data.spectra -
    data.spectra is the first work of the data.series. Across the entire width of a darkened room is an intensely bright, narrow screen. On moving closer, the screen reveals that the source of the flood of light into the room is a vast array of tiny
  • The Waiting Room -
    "The Waiting Room" is a virtual space that 50 users share through the Internet. The visitors to the space are strangers, united by the software, the Internet, and the artwork itself. In this space the visitor becomes a participant in a moving
  • The Berlin Files -
    "You're sitting in a bar. You pull out a book that you just bought to look at, a collection of short stories. Flipping through it you stop on a paragraph describing a dark street in Berlin, a woman in a red dress walks out of a doorway towards
  • Paradise -
    "Olga Kisseleva’s project for the Musée Chagall, is formulated as an echo to the works displayed in the exhibition space but opens the proposition as it expands its reach. She takes illustrations from sacred books as does Chagall, but her intention
  • A high resolution interactive display that simultaneously shows 864 video clips of news anchors taken from TV broadcasts in the United States and Mexico. As the viewer stands in front of the piece his or her silhouette is shown on the display and
  • Wavefunction -
    Wavefunction is a kinetic sculpture comprised of fifty to one hundred Charles and Ray Eames moulded chairs (designed in 1948) and placed in a regular array of rows, facing the entrance to the exhibition space. When someone approaches the work, a
  • Boreas -
    A matrix of sixty-four tubes is spread out equally over the room. These tubes bend over extremely slowly as if a slow motion wind were touching them. Leaning into one another they reach out to the visitors like the tentacles of a giant snail. The
  • This work involved a rewiring of Block 72E, which used to be a dental centre in Tanglin military medical camp. About 4 years ago the plug was finally pulled on Tanglin Camp, a former colonial military installation. The plumbing, electrical and