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  • CAVE VR environment. A memorial for those who have died crossing the desert on the Mexico / U.S. border.
  • ... establishes a dialogue with Arlindo Machado¹s film "National Complement" - its title was taken as a perceptual provocateur...
  • ... minutes) presents a Newyorker Christmas scene focusing on the commerce of toys , a thematic park at Macy´s magazine and the...
  • ... based in the dadaist manner. The video (1 minute) plays with compactation of information related to length of time. It is a cynical...
  • Designed as a large scale video projection (3:12 minutes), like a sonorous moving billboard. It shows 3 times almost the same sequence of images, each time with a different audio. An old photography depicts the image of three children at the beach.
  • MN.A is a video installation created for the Artist Researcher Project of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói, RJ, Brazil. It was addressed to the physical and conceptual characteristics of that place. It belongs to the series American
  • Website MMM -
    ... aspects that strongly shaped postmodern culture. The work comments on the sublimation/de-sublimation of the body promoted by...
  • Embracement -
    This unique work was a result of the first ever Australian collaboration between an artist and scientists from the Australian Centre for Field Robotics, leading to the use of a photodynamic screen especially developed to realise the work's
  • ... in the hands of the participant. In order to stabilize the complete image, they attempt to synchronize the speed of their own...
  • ... about 1500 liters of oil which may be used exclusively for non commercial or non political projects such as art or science. In order...