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  • UNMAKEABLELOVE is a revioning of Beckett’s initial investigation that focuses and makes interactively tangible, a state of confrontation and interpolation between our selves and another society that is operating in a severe state of physical and
  • Archived Blog: is a responsive installation by the international art research group Sponge that proposes a novel way of communication by gestural interaction. Large sheets of translucent Lexan plastic
  • Brainwash - video
    In Brainwash the actor and audience watch the turning of a black and white striped drum. This drum is both an early cinematic zoetrope and a diagnostic neurological tool. Certain individuals suffer from cerebellar tumors and strokes leading to a
  • The Meadow -
    THE MEADOW explores and manifests the metaphorical space which lies between the 'simulated' and the 'real' - a space to which artists are inevitably drawn. Ambiguity and irony also share this space, and it is here that new
  • Netomatheque provides a voice-driven interface to the netomat browser. In a cozy living room setting, with a comfortable couch, a fireplace and floor to ceiling projections on the walls Netomatheque allows the user to talk directly to the WWW using
  • Homefront -
    HOMEFRONT Surveillance, monitoring, and tracking technologies are not only media of control; they are media of self-reflection and self-awareness. There is a reciprocity between the way that control technologies function and the way that identity
  • HOME OF THE BRAIN (1990-91) - PHILOSOPHICAL DIALOGUES IN VIRTUAL SPACE Created between 1989 and 1991, HOME OF THE BRAIN by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss is considered to be one of the first pieces of Virtual Reality in the world to make
  • Self&Other -
    Self&Other (2015 in progress) An in progress Robot performance, by Roc Parés & Martí Sánchez-Fibla, featuring two NAO anthropomorphic Robots. The scene is organized around an empty mirror frame, with one robot on each side. The two identical robots
  • Initially this work was developed as a stereoscopic projection for a concert of the Huelgas Ensemble conducted by Paul van Nevel and performed at Zeitfenster Biennale Alter Musik 2002 in the DaimlerChrysler Building, Berlin. In its later iterations
  • Telematic Manifesto -
    Net-Project The "Telematic Manifesto" is a participatory, collectively-generated Net Document that articulates a vision for the future of Telematic Art as a socio-cultural force in the 21st century. This project investigates Telematic Art as the