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  • ... an Honours degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer...
  • ... a member of the COU executive. Diamond was a member of... University. She is an appointee of the Order of Ontario...
  • I like Frank -
    ... Blast Theory's appointment as Adelaide Thinkers...
  • Epidémie -
    ... Le danger réside dans l’incapacité du cerveau à dissocier... de contact, ils apportent en milieu « hautement...
  • ...Couffignal, Louis. Que peut apporter la cybernetique a la pedagogie...
  • ... at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, where she...
  • ... and the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria. In...
  • ... language a textual appraisal, creations that resort...
  • M2 video
    ... sound and video appratuses, revealed by the...
  • Titrisme -
    ... status of a work to be appreciated? Titling, in its...