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  • McGovern, Tammy, ed. Signal Culture Cook Book. Owego, NY: Signal Culture, 2014.
  • McGovern, Tammy, ed. Signal Culture Cook Book. Owego, NY: Signal Culture, 2014.
  • Signals -
    Realtime recordings of persons using their mouse are layered ontop of each other, divorced from their original context and then projected back into the gallery as an endless looping animation. The resulting monochromatic animation goads the viewer to...
  • Kac, Eduardo, ed. Signs of Life, Bio Art and Beyond. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: MIT Press, 2007.
  • Adigal, Ilango. Silappatikaram. New York: New Directions, 2009.
  • Silence -
    From the entrance into the site, the announcement “Noise = absence of language = silence” warns us that the limits of our understanding will be scrambled and the paths followed will be flavoured with the sweet absurdity of surrealism. Then a thin...
  • Event: Silence at the Palace: Feminist perspectives in cinemaInstitution: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina SofíaComment:
  • Event: Silent Dialogue – Invisible CommunicationInstitution: ICC (Intercommunication Center)Comment:
  • Kahn, Doug. Silent Forest [].
  • Silent group Picture -
    Please stand in front of the mechanical lamp. It will observe and track your face, as well as interact with you. It will follow you whenever you move to the right or left, taking pictures of your face, and then generating images of various people in...