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  • Éphémère - video
    Ephémère is iconography evolved through Davies' long-standing practice as a painter, and, as in Osmose, is grounded in 'nature' as metaphor: archetypal elements of root, rock, and stream etc. recur throughout. In Ephémère however, this iconographic...
  • Virtuscope - video
    VirtuscopeArtist: Paul SermonComment:
  • These are reconfigurations of the original work conFIGURING the CAVE (1997) that for reasons of economy use simplified projection and interface technologies. Instead of the four screen environment, only one wall screen, or combination floor and...
  • The projection environment of PLACE consists of a cylindrical projection screen and a
    rotating platform in the center that carries a wide-angle three-projector system fed by
    an SGI-Onyx computer. The distortion caused by the projection onto the...
  • This new version of The Legible City (1989) encompasses all the experiences offered by
    the original version, but introduces an important new multi-user functionalty that to a
    large extent becomes its predominant feature. In the Distributed...
  • iC_inema 1
    iC_inema is an experiment in search of a completely new form of interactive cinema. With twelwe cameras a 360 degree panoramic view of the real world is recorded. Costum software combines the twelwe simultaneous recordings into a single panorama....
  • Blue Window Pane II -
    "Blue Window Pane is a CAVE virtual reality art experience that includes networking, live video, and sound activated graphics. Participants explore and actively ignite events to gain a knowledge base through exploration and perceptual interaction....
  • Nuzzle Afar -
    "Nuzzle" is a shared 3D virtual environment art work, using digital networking technology. It realizes a new type of communication space where people can meet and talk to each other as avatars from several telematic immersive computer terminals.

  • Tesla Electric -
    Tesla Electric, the1998 offering from i.e.VR and KU's University Theatre opened in the William Inge Memorial Theatre on February 12th and ran through the 20th.

    Tesla Electric chronicles the career of inventor Nikola Tesla in an exciting...
  • Traces -
    Traces is a project for networked CAVEs (immersive VR spaces). But it is very different in its goals and its nature from any other CAVE or VR project (to the knowledge of the author). The root of the project is a long standing concern over the...