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  • FLOOR | PISO -
    FLOOR is an interactive interface designed to transfer data of strength and movement in the human-human relation and the human-space time relation. The mode of agencying the FlOOR interface is very simple: you step on one of the two ends of the
  • Plot [English title, Project outline #11 to #15] Series 'Body Scanned Architecture' The work series 'Projektskizzen' was developed in 2001, based on the interactive computer environment 'Body Scanned Architecture', which was realized in the Austrian
  • This series prints show six wire-framed body images of “Eve Clone” in six angles excerpted from the video of “Making of Eve Clone I”. Also, the texts about the “Great Image” were taken from the “Book of Daniel” of Bible to show the identity and
  • This series prints show six wire-framed body images of “Eve Clone” in six angles excerpted from the video of “Making of Eve Clone I”. Also, the texts about the “Whore of Babylon” were taken from the Book of Revelation to show the identity and
  • I am Sound -
    From Mission Base's Website: An interactive image/sound installation by Tamiko Thiel (image) and Christoph Reiserer (sound), 2016 "I am Sound" interweaves contemporary concerns with surveillance, face tracking and use of personal data into a
  • Event: Plateau of HumankindInstitution: Venice BiennaleComment:
  • This series prints show six wire-framed body images of “Eve Clone” in six angles excerpted from the video of “Making of Eve Clone I”. Also, the texts about the “Great Image” were taken from the “Book of Daniel” of Bible to show the identity and
  • ‘This one’s for the farmer’ encompasses five bodies of work. Each set of work has been produced with the farming community as a partner. While the title seems to exclude the art viewer, the whole body of work is about enticing viewers to take a
  • the beehive -
    In a floot of information words and pictures seem to lose their credibility. Does the culture disappear in the media society? - The beehive is a internet based project creating a web of thoughts. 32 animated and/or
  • Hi, thanks for your interest in my work. I'm both a composer of experimental music and an internet artist. Please find below a list of my website-specific activities. For access to my musical works on Mille Plateaux, mappa etc. please visit my