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  • GASPARETTO, Débora Aita, ed. O "curto-circuito" da arte digital no Brasil. Vol.1. 1, 1 th ed.Santa Maria: edição do autor, 2014.
  • Zellen, Jody. If (in conjunction with the exhibition "Transitions"). Santa Monica: dnj Gallery, 2013.
  • Well known in the international art scene for his mechanotronic performances and robotic installations. In his first works he combined such elements as Bodybots, body-controlled robots, Systematugy (interactive narration with computers) and
  • Peter grew up around the world, studied math, and liked to build things. Using math to make pictures led him to computers, which led to trying to “get the darn things to generate pretty images easily”. Still striving for that goal, with a day job at
  • Hosale, Mark-David. Nonlinear Media As Interactive Narrative Phd Thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, June 2008.
  • Currents 2010, El Museo Cultural, Santa Fe, NM, USA
  • Event: Sistematúrgia. Accions, Dispositius I DibuixosInstitution: Arts Santa MònicaComment:
  • Event: New Currents festival Santa Fe, New Mexico, USAInstitution: CURRENTS: SANTA FE INTERNATIONAL NEW MEDIA FESTIVALComment:
  • Event: Incognito 2015Institution: Santa Monica Museum of ArtComment:
  • Andres Burbano is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Design at Universidad de los Andes. Burbano holds a PhD in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California Santa Barbara. "Burbano, originally from Colombia,