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  • [V]ote-Auction -
    Voteauction* was a Website which offered US citizens to sell their presidential vote to the highest bidder during the Presidential Elections 2000, Al Gore vs. G.W. Bush. Several US States (Missouri, Wisconsin, Chicago, Arizona, Nevada,
  • The Unemployed -
    The Unemployed is an interactive installation that visualizes worldwide unemployment, depicting the jobless as animated figures moving in an abstract representation of urban space. Viewers movements are tracked and their silhouettes are replaced by
  • The digital collages (3 shown here by Tamiko Thiel, and 3 others by Teresa Reuter/Sabe Wunsch) show scenographies of the Berlin Wall that are conceived as associative spaces of memories - by mixing temporal and geographical elements as well as
  • Beyond Pages -
    Masaki Fujihata calls many of his works “experiments”. To him, BEYOND PAGES is a piece of art. This is among others due to the well-defined framework conditions that—contrary to many of his other works—are not designed as an open process. The
  • Reel Success Stories: Lynn Hershman Leeson Wednesday, November 12, 2008 Presented by Bay Area Women in Film & Media An intimate discussion with local award-winning filmmaker and artist Lynn Hershman Leeson. A pioneer of the use of interactive
  • Zareei, Mo. Audiovisual Materialism Organised Sound 25, no. 3 (November 2020): 362-371.
  • Latent State - video
    This project was developed during 2009 as part of my MFA thesis at the Design Media Arts department at UCLA. It consisted in the creation of a live cinema piece using a number of resources for real-time AV performance and a combination of digital
  • Reel Success Stories: Lynn Hershman Leeson Wednesday, November 12, 2008 Presented by Bay Area Women in Film & Media An intimate discussion with local award-winning filmmaker and artist Lynn Hershman Leeson. A pioneer of the use of interactive
  • Reel Success Stories: Lynn Hershman Leeson Wednesday, November 12, 2008 Presented by Bay Area Women in Film & Media An intimate discussion with local award-winning filmmaker and artist Lynn Hershman Leeson. A pioneer of the use of interactive
  • Reel Success Stories: Lynn Hershman Leeson Wednesday, November 12, 2008 Presented by Bay Area Women in Film & Media An intimate discussion with local award-winning filmmaker and artist Lynn Hershman Leeson. A pioneer of the use of interactive