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  • ... Helsinki – Stockholm – Tallin; ISEA 2000 Paris. Juror of numerous media art festivals and competitions, e.g. Baltic goes Digital - An Open Digital Art Contest, Art Line / NCK, City Gallery, Gdańsk (2012), Docks Docs Gdańsk Remix (2011), Filmteractive...
  • ... MIOSSO and Ricardo DA SILVA TORRES and TED KRUEGER and Diana Domingues. Walking and health: an enactive affective system. Digital Creativit 27 (2016): 314-333.
  • ... Some saw it as a glimpse into the future of interactive art, while others questioned the boundaries between physical and digital spaces. Overall, the exhibition left a lasting impression and contributed to discussions about the potential of VR for...
  • ... -Sparte Medienkunst-, Düsseldorf 2008 Arbeitsstipendium der Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn 2008 Honorary mention "digital sparks award 08", Bonn Honorary mention "CYNETart 08", Dresden 2009 Honorary mention "Share Prize 2009", Turin IT ...
  • ... Las piezas de la serie “Gaia” son caracterizadas por una fuerte semejanza entre sí y se podrían considerar como un jardín digital criado por el software del artista Notes on familial resemblance. The software procedure generates a "family" of forms with a...
  • ... Christopher Bauder (born 1973) started working in the field of interactive installation art after finishing his studies in the Digital Media Class at the Berlin University of the Arts. His projects focus on the translation of bits and bytes into objects and...
  • Dis-M-Body -
    ... bodies; virtual spaces and ideas are brought to us not by our fingers, ears or eyes but by video cameras, satellites, and digital wires. It is difficult to know where the individual body begins and our extended senses end. While these technologies...
  • [in time time] -
    ...[in time time] is an installation involving large digital prints and two new media works: a split-screen video titled [8-bits], and a context aware, interactive installation titled [ping-pong-flow]. The pieces are bound together by their related concerns: adult/child...
  • Time Capsule -
    ... and the permanent character of the implant. As with other underground time capsules, it is under the skin that this digital time capsule projects itself into the future.
  • ... is a gallery installation composed of 3 interwoven works that speak to these ideas. Al Grano: Hack Based on the manipulation of digital codes - the underlying language of genetic systems - “Al Grano: Hack” is a series of electronically corrupted digital images of...