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  • Fragments from The Impossible Flying Machine by ERASE C41: "My first sighting happened in 1967, on a trip from (A) to (B). It was a night flight and we had leveled off at our assigned altitude and were approximately 40 Km north of (A). We suddenly
  • (in)human sciences -
    “(In)human Sciences” was made for the exhibition Neterotopia, curated by Daniele Balit and Pierre Mertens. During March 2006, my work was displayed in the advertising space of the website of the french newspaper Libération. The exhibition was also
  • Peter Weibel (head of the ZKM Karlsruhe) describes one of the major qualities of the Imachination project as follows: “Emerging at the same time dislocated in different places the Imachinations are both - either original or copy. One image is not
  • Augenschein — a light installation for the Stieglerhaus, St. Stefan ob Stainz, AT The eye has always played a vital role in human history, whether as the organ of vision or as a pivotal cultural symbol in the arts of all ages. In digital and new
  • Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, 2011: "Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss undertook their joint, creative actions in combined fields of art and science in late 1980s. (...) We can say that the art of Fleischmann and Strauss has developed in parallel
  • Christopher Salter is a media artist, performance director and composer/sound designer based in Montreal, Canada and Berlin, Germany. His artistic and research interests revolve around the development and production of real time,
  • Lightpools
    Lightpools or El Ball del Fanalet is a multi-user experience that uses Virtual Reality (VR) technology. It takes place in a circular arena approximately six meters in diameter, onto which a real-time computer generated image is projected from above.
  • I was invited to do a site specific installation in Travana, Slovakia. The gallery was an abandoned synagogue. I shot a video in Tranava and developed a series of street signs in the style of normal street signs. They presented short poetic lines
  • Quasar 3 [danger du zero] is an immersive interactive light and sound installation. Quasar 3 is the latest project iteration of a series of installation projects known as Quasar, which explores the world that exists beyond our senses by converging
  • ENERGY PASSAGES 2004 Energy Passages transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary. The daily newspaper becomes a poetic audio-visual field of keywords flowing through urban space. The installation is designed to make visitors think about how