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  • RGB VW -
    ... towards a more immaterial fascination - the media technologies with their flow of binary... which shows the flow of the digital (RGB) values of these colors. (A. Hegedüs) This work was conceived in relation to a particular location, a disused automobile factory in...
  • //**Code_UP -
    ...//**Code_me_UP investigates the role of the code in the meaning construction and the forms of... by converting the RGB color numeric values in height measures.
  • Survey of Prints -
    ...In 2003 the Museum purchased Atlas Procession I, a print by William Kentridge, the first work by this... internationally renowned South African artist in the SCMA collection. This fall,...
  • ...Upon the invitation of the Lindisfarne Association and the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in... a perceptual change with each numerical value. Information-theoretic entropy is a... Here is a little background on our artistic heritage and orientation. Visual...
  • plastic trade-off -
    ... be described as a visual approach to the oscillating growth of markets and their... the social life of the (im)material values of trading. The real-time data of... this global system in a dynamic work of art. The coordinates of selected places of the...
  • The Art Collider -
    ...Artistic Statement The proliferation of networks and communication systems fosters the free... which create a redistribution of values, as opposed to those in economics which are... a collaborative approach of media art creation through an experimental system of...
  • ... performance, a web site, a business... the Mechanics of Emotions (M-E) try not to tell... turn solid and static to become exchange values, from the sacralised object to the artefact... The Mechanic of Emotions is an art opera in 15+ parts each part can be a statement, an event, an...
  • asciiimage -
    ... its visitors. This net-art work discusses the intersections of words and images by... of an image translating the resulting values to characters with different pixel... ge aims at creating an online tool to generate ASCII art from jpg images uploaded by its visitors. This...
  • ...Erkki Huhtamo works as a professor at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Departments of... (UCLA), Departments of Design Media Arts, and Film, Television, and Digital Media. He...
  • ... ¦uvre. In 1992 Andréhn-Schiptjenko showed the installation Sustained where sculpture, painting,... images on modified screens. All these values are compounded into an image of the state... one can see traces from our canon of art history as well as of the industrial...