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  • ... was the first in this medium to be acquired by The Museum of Modern Art. Her contributions in starting a new field of endeavor...
  • ... van Kessel (1626-1679), Knowbotic Research (KR+cF) devises a model of a Computer Aided Antarctica as a public knowledge space: The...
  • DoWhatDo -
    ...DoWhatDo is a method in which expertise in the form of a knowledge model was set into a conversational.
  • Particle Dreams -
    ... rules are applied to thousands of individual particles to model complex phenomena such as an explosion, a snowstorm, a...
  • Televised Distance #2 -
    ... distances, we are losing the senses of "the body" when using modern technology. In the future, can we design a medium that...
  • Televised Distance #1 -
    ... distances, we are losing the senses of "the body" when using modern technology. In the future, can we design a medium that...
  • Boids
    ...In 1986 Craig W. Reynolds made a computer model of coordinated animal motion such as bird flocks and fish schools. It was based on three...
  • ... of its viewer. Then, using a synchronization interaction model that calculates the mutual heart rate on a personal computer,...
  • Delvaux's Dream -
    ... The work Bielicky has selected for his 3D computer graphics model is from a later period evocative of surrealist aesthetics, where...
  • cyberSM -
    ... of communication allow the CyberSM project to more closely model inter-human communication, it creates a new form of interaction....