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  • For the "Places & Spaces: Mapping Science" exhibition W. Bradford Paley approached making a map of science indirectly, by making a map of a book describing The History of Science. In this way, he leveraged the intelligent organization by Henry Smith
  • Mimetic Starfish -
    The Mimetic Starfish is a virtual creature, projected onto a large circular table. It reacts to visitors hand gestures in a life-like manner, slowly extending a tentacle towards a gently moving hand, or receding rapidly in an impulsive manner if the
  • homunculus.nimbus -
    homunculus nimbus is the third iteration of a previous work called, homunculus.agora, which was exhibited at Land|Slide Possible Futures, Markham Museum September 21st- October 14th 2013; and Farm To Table Exhibition, Markham Museum January 31st
  • ... in 2011 at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca, University of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM), with honours at her Final Project which...
  • Siggraph 2004 -
    The 31st international conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques.
  • ... the sculpture by means of the innovative technique of fast prototyping (Stratoconception®). CITU, universities Paris1 and...
  • e-Spotting (Emotion Spotting) Internet VR installation a music/internet performance and installation at the Palazzo Strozzi Seen as the world nervous system, the Net should now be the best way to know where pain and pleasure are located
  • The stock market of World's emotions Real time rating of the World's Emotions. Internet, diode screens Like for the stock exchange, 3200 quotations for an emotion coresponding at 3200 cities all over the world are displayed in real
  • Interactive web app for exploring a dataset of 3200 Instagram selfie photos shared in 5 global cities, and separate visualizations of these photos created with custom software. Source: Lev Manovich