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  • ... visualized in the site-specific installation A Body of Water (1999),... and Andrea Zapp - June 1999 Photography by Frank Schuberth ...
  • ...This installation entitled There's no simulation like home is the culmination...
  • ...In this installation, an interactive format similar to FOURSPACE (1991) has been...
  • ...This computer graphic installation is a telematic adaptation of THE FRUIT MACHINE...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ... based interactive video installation that assumes a set of...
  • Black Airground -
    ... the only illumination in the installation, and they were...
  • ... of a series of performances and installations in this period which...
  • Book Plumbing -
    ...This was a mixed-media installation using books in various ways, a material which...
  • More&Less
    ...An installation in two rooms. One was filled with an inflatable structure that was...
  • A custom laser scanning system was developed that could project the laser beam as shaped planes and cones of light in a full 360-degree space around the projector. Scanning and rotation of the laser mirrors was controlled by a specially made analog