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  • Event: Dieu est-il plat?Institution: Salon International d'Art Contemporain de StrasbourgComment:
  • Event: Dieu est-il plat?Institution: Musée Château d’AnnecyComment:
  • Video mapping performance in Argentina, La Plata 2009, on historic train station . Several technics combining 2d 3d animations, video and light design, digital 3d reconstruction of historic train. General Direction and original music by GG
  • n-Polytope -
    n-Polytope. Behaviours in Light and Sound after Iannis Xenakis is a spectacular light and sound environment combining cutting edge lighting, lasers, sound, sensing and artificial intelligence software technologies inspired by composer Iannis
    MUSEALL (prononcer « Musée All », nom alt. : ARTGATE… nom de code) Dispositif Educatif Muséographique Artistique Numérique et Documentaire (DEMAND) Aucun musée ne donne accès à la totalité des collections des autres Musées. Les petites municipalités
  • Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. Exploring the Digital Archive as a Thinking Space – AI Aspects on Documentation, Access and Knowledge Discovery In Proceedings Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving. ISEA2023, edited by Terry C.W. Wong
  • Event: Non Zero Sum Art GamesInstitution: Plataforma RevólverComment:
  • Event: ArtFutura 2015: Collective IntelligenceInstitution: Plataforma RevólverComment:
  • VIRTUAL BALANCE: LOOKING WITH THE FEET 1994 Understanding interactivity in cyberspace as a seamless experience rather than a clickable one, Virtual Balance borrows from the myth of the magic carpet to move through data. The magic carpet, popularized
  • In this interactive laser-disc-based work the viewer has to push a protruding steel bar to rotate a column-mounted monitor which in turn animates the images on its screen. A friction plate forces the viewers to exert themselves physically. Turning