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  • ...Benayoun, M.. Open Sky Gallery What Urban Media Art Can Do (2016).
  • ... of perception and physical memory in our media influenced conscience. How long can the body...
  • ... Sabine Voggenreiter, 75-81. Köln, DE: 235 Media, 1993.
  • ... Museum In Perspektiven der Medienkunst / Media Art Perspectives, edited by H. Schwartz,...
  • ...The media art installation Multiverse by Paul Thomas and Kevin Raxworthy is based on research developed...
  • LAB 1: ART+COM -
    ...ART + COM—An Interdisciplinary Media Lab in West-Berlin (1987–1992) How did it all start? In the...
  • ...Computer-driven media installation with variable narratives and spatial configurations. Source: Lev...
  • ... research is in the field of digital media with a special focus on critical media...
  • ...Nancy Paterson is a media artist working in the field of interactive installations. She received a Ph.D...
  • FishFace -
    ... environments. (Source: