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  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. CiberestĂ©tica e a engenharia dos sentidos na Software Art. In EstĂ©ticas TecnolĂłgicas: Novos modos de sentir, edited by Lucia SANTAELLA and Priscila ArantesSĂŁo Paulo: Educ, 2008.
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. CAD in Architektur und Design. Die ergonomische Gestaltung von Räumen NOVUM: Hewlett Packard Magazin 4 (1990).
    HOMO NOVUSArtist: MOON Martina ZelenikaComment:
  • Galloway, Alexander. What you see is what you get? In The archive in motion: new conceptions of the archive in contemporary thought and new media practices, edited by Eivind Røssaak, 155-182. Oslo: Novus Press, 2010.
  • Fascinum -
    Artworks Fascinum December, 2001 Fascinum is a Yahoo Hack. It shows in real-time the news pictures the most viewed (ranked from 1 to 10) on different national Yahoo portals. The viewer surfs at the top of the infotainment wave and experiments
  • Nemo, the robotic fish, is swimming imperturbably in the screen, which is his fish tank as well. The robotic cat is sitting in front of the screen and he is watching it as he was looking at a real fish swimming in a real tank. Time to time he
    Based on her continuous research on counterfactual thinking, media artist Elke Reinhuber explores how to present a narrative in a multi-linear manner by fragmenting and dissecting it for the audience. Venomenon was shot in stereo 3D, completely on
    MINDSCAPE is a metaphor of what we are becoming in this digital era. Like most people nowadays, the performer appears isolated and hooked up with a computer, his/her body connected to and surrounded by light wires, creating a distance between the
  • Novus. Extinctus -
    Novus. ExtinctusArtist: (collective) Transnational TempsComment:
  • .. explore the potential of the human body to be an audio-visual instrument ..