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  • "Semioptics for Spinoza", 2012 Shadow Object 3 computer, kinect, projector, metal, motor, arduino processor, lens projection: 68.9 x 48" / 175 x 122 cm wall mount: 28.4 x 17.3 x 11.8" / 72 x 44 x 30 cm "Semioptics for Spinoza" is the third
  • Statement Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts beschäftige ich mich mit dem urbanen Raum, Naturphänomenen, dem menschlichen Körper, politischen Themen und virtuellen Welten. Im Rahmen meines Kunststudiums habe ich Werke entwickelt,
  • Works by: Judith Barry, Joseph Beuys, Christian Boltanski, Marcel Broodthaers, Carlfriedrich Claus, Jonah Brucker-Cohen, Gustav Deutsch, VALIE EXPORT, Asta Gröting, Pierre Huyghe, Zachary Lieberman and Golan Levin, Katarina Matiasek / Scanner, Tony
  • Tür - video
    Interactive computer video installation University of Applied Arts Vienna (AT) Behind the computer-animated door is the "direct video transmission" of what is happening outside, the place where the viewer is coming from. At the same time, the window
  • Curators: Montxo Algora y José Luis de Vicente. Artists: Antoni Abad, Amorphic Robot Works, Ángel Borrego, David Byrne, Daniel Canogar, Vuk Cósic, Harun Farocki, Paul Friedlander, Mark Hansen, David Hason, Pierre Huyghe, Theo Jansen, Natalie