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  • ... characters and landscape-based scenarios. And so, not... distance does not even apply as an element for their...
  • ... measured by the amount of escape from ‘normality‘. How and why... grammar may be applyied also to dna code series....
  • ... that can be executed by a computer. However,... the conceptual approach to the project, the way...
  • ...This experimental animation approaches Hong Kong’s built environment...
  • ... live mix video via apps that can run on a MACBook...
  • ... from the University of Applied Arts, Vienna. Within the...
  • ... 1987 he gained a BSc in Applied Mathematics from UC Davis...
  • ... the Budapest Academy of Applied Arts, followed by the...
  • ... was effectuated by applying to it a video filter...
  • ... at the university of applied sciences in Furtwangen...