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  • Performance for a matrix of 64 illuminated gas balloons and sound A room is filled with deep, evolving noises from a four-channel sound system. An eight-by-eight array of white, self-illuminated spheres floats in space like the atoms of a complex
  • Punishment 1 -
    The landscape imagery in the photographs and videos of the Punishment series recall the paintings of the Romantic period: craggy mountains, deep gorges, the sea, and mountain lakes. These are large- format, classical motifs of nature, in which one
  • 42-The Large Meteor T-R-A-P investigates the possibilities of calculating and steering a meteor safely down to Earth. On October 7th 2008 the first meteor ever to be predicted impacted in Sudan exactly on time. Many scientists are working on
  • For this project the authors created both an interactive application and a linear three-screen video re-enactment of the “Capping Ceremony of a Minor Official’s Son,” from the ancient Chinese Book of Li. The Book of Li (Etiquette and Ceremonial) is
  • Netomatheque provides a voice-driven interface to the netomat browser. In a cozy living room setting, with a comfortable couch, a fireplace and floor to ceiling projections on the walls Netomatheque allows the user to talk directly to the WWW using
  • Terrapattern is a tool for exploring the unmapped and the unmappable: a system for finding ?"more like this, please" in satellite photos. It can also be described as "a visual search engine for satellite imagery", "similar-image search for satellite
  • Noor: A Brain Opera, Ellen Pearlman’s latest installation, is a 360 degree fully immersive, neurologically driven performance that took place on May 18, 2016, ISEA 2016 Hong Kong international society for electronic art. An EEG (electroencephalogram
  • Quasar 3 [danger du zero] is an immersive interactive light and sound installation. Quasar 3 is the latest project iteration of a series of installation projects known as Quasar, which explores the world that exists beyond our senses by converging
  • Event: Deep StorageInstitution: Neue National Galerie BerlinComment:
  • PS1, New York: