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  • ... art practice engages in the fragile wedding of image... of image production and image resistance. Through his... art practice engages in the fragile wedding of image...
  • Duende Diagram -
    ...A cartographic map of the different flows that constitute my theories... specifically how noise and improvisation through their... A cartographic map of the different flows that constitute my theories...
  • ...Scholar/artist. Topics: Theories of the digital, conceptual writing,... Scholar/artist. Topics: Theories of the digital, conceptual writing,...
  • ... focus on art and media theories artist and researcher with focus on art and media theories focus on art and media theories
  • ... technology, and theories of mediation. In his... Writer and computer programer working on issues in philosophy,... technology, and theories of mediation. In his...
  • ...During the initial years of the development of my work, especially in... Conscious/ Unconscious and Technical Recreation I... During the initial years of the development of my work, especially in...
  • Pommier, Edouard. Théories du portrait. De la Renaissance aux Lumières. Paris: Gallimard, 1998.
  • ... Simon Penny has pursued the simultaneous development of... of Interactive Artworks and the design and construction... Simon Penny has pursued the simultaneous development of...
  • ... and Bradford Paley, with the help of Kevin Boyack and ISI... by Dick Klavans and Bradford Paley, with the help... and Bradford Paley, with the help of Kevin Boyack and ISI...
  • ...Ascott, Roy. Is there Love in the Telematic Embrace? Behaviourables... Embrace? Behaviourables and Futuribles In Theories and... Ascott, Roy. Is there Love in the Telematic Embrace? Behaviourables...