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  • And so Eduction: the "alien within", as a hybrid architecture of real and virtual, as performance, as installation and concert, opens the horizon of virtual worlds capable of interacting at the deepest levels of mental activity of the surfing
  • The virtual space created by Dancing with the Virtual Dervish provides interaction and chance participation between artists and public. A dancer in goggles and gloves interacts with intelligent and controllable computer generated objects while a
  • Paracube: paraCubes -
    For this project, a cuboid was defined by six parametric surfaces, each with its own coordinate system. The parametric equations governing each surface were arranged so that a variation on a particular surface would cause reactions or permutations
  • Artist: Martin NovakComment:
  • Annja Krautgasser is a media artist and architect who has been teaching on architecture, media, and the public at the Academy of Arts in Linz, and is an assistant at the Technical University in Graz, Austria. Rainer Mandl, born 1968, is a web and
  • Novak, Jasminko. Development of Models and Paradigms for Interactive Environments. GMD Research Series, Sankt Augustin, DE: GMD, 1999.
  • Strauss, W./ Fleischmann, M./ Novak, Jasminko. CAT - Communication, Art and Technology In Global@home, edited by Herbert KubicekHeidelberg, DE: Hüthig Verlag, 2000.
  • Novak, Jasminko et al. Knowledge through Personalized Learning Knowledge Maps. In Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management., edited by Ludger Van Elst, 231 - 228.. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2003.
  • Novak, Jasminko et al. Knowledge through Personalized Learning Knowledge Maps. In Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management., edited by Ludger Van Elst, 231 - 228.. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2003.
  • Marcos Novak, born 1957, professor at UCSB, transarchitect, artist, and theorist. He exhibits, lectures, and conducts workshops worldwide. He pioneered the development of architecture for cyberspace and virtual space and of the algorithmic