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  • Time Stratum II -
    ... the colour and speed of strobe lights with the music. The images are transformed with changes in the light." (Source:...
  • ... The installation used 15 video cameras to capture live images of visitors to the station; 30 computers manipulated the video...
  • House -
    ... that are used to mediate the archive of data, sounds and images. This also includes live CCTV and a wireless sensor network...
  • antidatamining -
    ... digital monitoring technologies are used to create a series of images of our society pictured through its data flows. The resulting...
  • ... an anonymous audience. Instead of communication via voice or images to people we know, "Mobile Feelings" lets people communicate...
  • ... components: switches, dials, and turntables. Computer graphics images are projected onto the tables from ceiling-mounted video...
  • net.flag -
    ... symbol of conquest of new territory. One of the most memorable images of the 20th century is a scene of the United States flag...
  • Horizon -
    ...Horizon is a narrative clock made out of images accessed in realtime from webcams found in every time zone around the world. The result is a...
  • My Black Cat -
    ... subjectivity is built on the affective attachment to media images, as well as on the regimes of surveillance and fear. Andreas...
  • ... Installation was completed in early December 2009. These images show how it looked at that that time. The space was still under...