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  • ... keyboard on the screen, then clicking on "go!". Through this work you will be able to discover cities you've never even heard of...
  • ... the world around us, which is particularly interesting if one works within the realms of Virtual Reality (VR), where projections...
  • ... the robots in that direction. Humans will interact with the work simply by entering the environment. In past artworks I have found...
  • T-wo.gen
    ... idea of a mind / body split. In particular I want to discuss a work entitled The World Generator / The Engine of Desire , a...
  • ... years ago. For us it was an artistic experiment that only worked for a few months, I see it as an online performance. In most of...
  • ...Chiara Passa, visual artist (Rome 1973) working in media art since 1997. I am graduated (M.F.A.) from the Fine Arts Academy of Rome; Master in...
  • ... tableau vivant in the Google Street View engine and for her work in partnership with Google Trusted Photographer, John M Lynch,...
  • ... era, which lasted from 1948 to 1994. Kentridge has said of his work, "I have never tried to make illustrations of apartheid, but the...
  • ... the visitor's experience. To interact with this work visitors enter the dome and adjust the height until they feel...
  • ... relationships with known or unknown people. The space of the work is cover with light. It allows to draw an intimist space of...