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  • ...Light Folds Craig Tattersall and Bill Seaman The Seaman and the Tattered Sail Available as a digital Release: The audio process Light Folds by The Seaman and The Tattered Sail is a collaboration between Craig...
  • ... uncertain. Moving elements move in response to a track-ball. Colson's Loc-reverb is presented as Site Soundings - Digital Terrains together with Jeremy Gardiner's Purbeck Light Years and Dennis Leigh's Cathedral Oceans. Each artefact is...
  • Bodytext
    ... and granular audio synthesis. The acquired speech, a description of an imagined dance, is re-written through projected digital display and sound synthesis, the performer causing texts to interact and recombine with one another through their subsequent...
  • ...Kim Asendorf is a conceptual artist and works in a large area of media and digital related art. He loves to transport things from the Internet into real life and back. Kim did several net art projects, often based on data taken from the Internet or gathered from other...
  • Birth of Eve Clone P -
    ... Clone images. It shows Eve Clone being placed in a test tube. There, she is slowly cultivated, changing from a draft to a digital wireframe and finally a metallic texture, rotating 360 degrees with a hymn playing in the background. She gradually becomes a...
  • "Touch me"
    ...The work "Touch me" of Alba D'Urbano from 1995 is an interactive digital video installation where a monitor with touch screen, a video camera and a computer are mounted on a platform. The monitor with the touch screen is visible for the visitors at eyelevel and it is...
  • ... the natural screen diffuses the LEDs and makes the video recognizable—nature acts as the lens and filter for a mediated digital image. The digitization of film in recent years has overshadowed that the origins of cinema are natural and organic. An...
  • ...Stenslie Stahl is working on the development of different interface technologies and tools for the digital culture within the fields of art, media and network-research. Lives and works as media artist, curator, scientist and media researcher in Oslo and Cologne....
  • ... known for being a painter of nudes, Rosenbaum has completed a masters degree and changed focus to more technologically based digital art using physics based rendering, Deep Neural Networks and Unity to develop an Augmented Reality mobile application. In 2019...
  • Watch Out! -
    ... meaning. These eyes no longer belong to the pedestrian spectators watching inside a box but instead resemble those of digital gods checking out the World. They are coming to look down on us, as if somebody finally dares to know what's going on...