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  • World Without End -
    ...World Without End Virtual Reality, Commission, Manarat al Saadiyat 2017-18 Overview For Manarat al Saadiyat cultural center program, "Ramadan Arcade", artworks were commissioned that addressed Emirates culture during the holiday season. For this program, I created a...
  • ... aware of the mediation of sound in the interaction of auditor and environment. Unfortunately in the world of virtual reality and also the artworld itself, acoustics often take a subordinate role to the visuals. However, the eye can only...
  • ...Wertheim, Margaret. Worlds Apart - Realities, Virtual and Otherwise LA Weekly (May 18-24 2001): 37.
  • ...Davenport, Glorianna. Your Own Virtual Storyworld Scientific American 283, no. 5 (2000): 79-82.
  • ...Reinhuber, Elke and Benjamin Seide and Ross Williams. Yunnan Garden VR – Re-creation of a Tropical Garden as Virtual Cultural Heritage Kultur und Informatik – Extended Reality (2020): 25-37.
  • ...Event: Zeichenbau - Real VirtualitiesInstitution: Künstlerhaus WienComment:
  • ...Event: Zeichenbau - real virtualitiesInstitution: Künstlerhaus WienComment:
  • ... off. Each system is thus reduced to a simplified but powerful binary (on/off) state (which is of course the foundation of virtually all digital computing systems). Each terminal is mounted on a turntable (controlled by a stepper motor), so that each...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... result of motion capture and behaviors written in the computer program executing the animation. Visitors will think that the virtual portrait is responding to them in a way that only a flesh-and-blood individual does. This incident establishes a relationship...
  • ...PerformanceInsideOut was a 3hour non-stop physical and virtual performance event with 9 live and beyond performances. Remix, new media, nodes, antiestablishment, micro, underground, multi, rhizomes are some of the themes explored in this event. The PerformanceInsideOut...