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Sims, David. Osmose: Is VR Supposed to be this Relaxing? Computer Graphics and Applications (IEEE Computer Society) 16, no. 6 (November 1996): 4-5.
Sims, Karl. Artificial Evolution for Computer Graphics In SIGGRAPH`91 Proceedings, , 319-328. : 1991.
Sims, Karl. Choreographed Image Flow The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 3, no. 1 (January/March 1992): 31-43.
Sims, Karl. Interactive Evolution of Equations for Procedural Models The Visual Computer - International Journal of Computer Graphics (August 1993): 466-476.
Van der Stappen, Frank and Robert-Paul Berretty and Ken AND Overmars Goldberg. Geometry and Part Feeding In Sensor Based Intelligent Robot Systems, edited by H. Bunke and H. I. et. al. ChristensenVol.2238. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ,
Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. Behaglichkeitsfaktoren im Raum: II. Akkustik im Computer. Berlin: Berliner Senat für Wissenschaft und Forschung, 1991.
Schwartz, Lillian F. and Laurens R. Schwartz. The Computer Artist´s Handbook: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications. New York: W W Norton and Co, 1992.
Berliner Senat für Wissenschaft und Forschung, ed. Behaglichkeitsfaktoren im Raum_I. Licht im Computer. Berlin: 1989.
Sperlich, Tom and Gernot Schärmeli. Höhlenbewohner, 3D-Umgebung der virtuellen Art ct magazin für computer und technik 1 (1997): 78-81.
Sperlich, Tom. Spektakel am Deichtor c´t magazin für computer und technik (May 1993).