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  • Room for Manoeuvre -
    ... including four video projections, 'Room for Manoeuvre' presents four 'vehicles' of the that Knowbotic Research have developed...
  • ... way. In 2018, the interactive sound object Forced Leisure was presented at the Intersections symposium of the Ammerman Center for...
  • ... produced by Carl DiSalvo for ICI. The online exhibition is co-presented by the Walker Art Center. (source:...
  • DECONversation -
    ...Press release: "DECONISM Gallery (Toronto), presents an evening's dialogue between Maurice Benayoun, an internationally recognized interactive...
  • ... the photo generates the illusion of movement. Every animation presents a range of movements from STILL to SLOW and FAST. The work...
  • ... with the help of powerful microscopes. This Virtual Reality presents an imaginary inside of a human eukaryotic cell, enlarged...
  • ... differences and aesthetic innovation. TheShort Film Festival presents far more than a mere medley of current short productions. One...
  • ... world at exhibitions, performances and keynote addresses that presented the latest astounding developments in the cyberarts and the...
  • Semantic Map -
    ...SEMANTIC MAP - A RADAR FOR THE DATA COSMOS (2001/04) The Semantic Map presents individual documents as nodes in a network of themes and...
  • ... Venus would in a darker sky, but not in a color that Venus presents. It was just a short time later that we noticed the light was...