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Fisher, Scott S. and G. Fraser. The Virtual Brewery Adventure Computer Graphics 30 (November 1996): 4.
Fisher, Scott S. and A. Marion. Real time Computer Graphics from Body Motion In Optics in Entertainment, edited by C. OutwaterSPIE 391, Cambridge, MA: 1983.
Allen, Rebecca. Computer Animation: A New Aesthetic Approach In Proceedings of l'Imaginaire Numerique, Paris: Hermes, 1986.
Allen, Rebecca. New Techniques for the Creation of Artificial Realities In Computer Images and Hi-Vision - CG '88, Tokyo: 1987.
Fujihata, Masaki, ed. The Treasure of Computer Graphics. Tokyo, Japan: JustSystem Publication, 1998.
Hierholzer, Michael. Künstliche Welten aus dem Computer Frankfurter Allgemeine (July 10th 1994).
Kittler, Friedrich Adolf. Protected Mode In Strategien des Scheins. Kunst - Computer - Medien, edited by Florian Rötzer and Peter Weibel, 256-267. München: Boer Verlag, 1991.
Sturman, David J.. A Brief History of Motion Capture for Computer Character Animation .
Grau, Oliver. Vademecum digitaler Kunst, Söke Dinkla: Pioniere Interaktiver Kunst bis heute In Jahrbuch computer art faszination, edited by Gerhard Dotzler, 275-276. Frankfurt/Main: Dr. Dotzler Medieninstitut Verlag, 1998.
Youngblood, Gene. The aura of the simulacrum. Der Computer und die Zukunft der Kunst, Vortrag in der Kunsthochschule für Medien, Köln, 14. Mai 1991, Vortragszusammenfassung von Jürgen Kisters Kunstforum 114 (1991): 398.