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  • facade presents the emotional real time state of the city of Trondheim is by using live data, and CCTV images to represent the Nova Building as a living breathing entity. NOVA FAÇADE. CICIOGNON SQUARE, TRONDHEIM This proposal has won the Nova
  • Steinback, Charles and Stephen Marguiles and David Hunt. Warren Neidich: Camp O.J.. Charlottesville, Virginia: Distributed Art Publishing, Inc. and Bayly Art Museum, 2000.
  • [the clearing] -
    The Clearing is an interactive installation artwork that focuses on the language of American print media's representation of the Bosnian crisis during the 1993-1994 period based on material culled from the archives of the Oakland Data Center.
  • Sleeper -
    The core element of the “Sleeper” installation is a tapestry. Le Corbusier referred to it as a “portable form of mural”. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance these handwoven wall-hangings, in which the interweaving of threads forms not only the
  • NET(WORK) -
    The projetct is dedicated to the phenomenon of nets. As we know, nets are some of the primary means for catching aquatic bioresources. The net thrives as a universal symbol with many possible applications and analogies. The word “net” – set’ – can
  • Bonnie Mitchell is a Professor at Bowling Green State University in Digital Arts, in Ohio, USA. Her creative scholarship includes electronic interactive installation, experimental animation, environmental data visualization, net-art and
  • Tamás Waliczky | Imaginary Cameras | Hungarian Pavilion | Biennale Arte 2019 Hungarian Pavilion at Biennale Arte 2019 11 May > 24 November 2019 National Commissioner: Julia Fabényi, Director of Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art Curated by
  • Borda is a practising media artist and curator with over a decade of experience in lecturing about photography and Western art histories. She is also considered a Canadian pioneer in leading media innovation through the adaptation and re-use of
  • The installation DIORAMATIZED #02 is part of Rudi Knoops based PhD research. The central concept of the installation is introducing friction between the multiple layers of sound and vision. Perspectives that do not completely match, invite to
  • The installation MULTIPLE voice/vision is the output of a research project in the arts, with as focus how friction between multiple layers of sound and vision can be a trigger for embodied perception. A multitrack registration—for both sound and